Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas Miracle?!

A Happy 2010 to all! May it bring us peace on earth, and peaceful Birth!!!
Headlines and video from a Christmas eve "miracle" surrounding birth have left me with a New Years hangover.......    ABC video about death/birth of mom and baby. Tracey Hermanstorfer.
Hangover because my head and stomach are both irked at how this played out in the media and the total lack of responsible journalism to delve in a little deeper, so here is the BirthrightRN take on all this.....

First, I must point out that I totally believe in miracles. I see babies born on a frequent basis, I am always amazed and feel this in itself  is a true miracle. The fact that both this mother and baby were able to be resuscesitated truly is a miracle no doubt, I believe there was divine intervention here, for neither should have even been in that condition to begin with, that was all man's work....

Second, what has left me feeling less than blessed for this family?
I have read numerous articles about this and not once have I seen mentioned as to why they both "died" to begin with!! In the ABC video mom states this was her 3rd baby, that this labor was different; she got Pitocin (despite the fact that the baby was 7 weeks early) and for the first time, got an epidural. Shortly after the epidural, she layed down so the nurse could put in the urinary catheter ( needed because after an epidural you can't feel to pee), stated she felt tired, and coded ( lack of breathing or pulse). Mom could not be brought back after 4 mins of ACLS (advanced cardiac life support) so a decision was made to take the baby by emergency C-Section right there in the delivery room w/o anethesethia, but baby wasn't breathing nor had a pulse either.
Both required extensive and agressive resuscitation, and thank God (who I really feel had a hand in there!) it worked! Both are doing fine so far...
Why did this happen?..........
It happened fast and w/o warning, which makes an underlying condition most unlikely.
Both recovered quickly, which again points to no previous malady.
"Multiple tests" as relayed by the hospital have not confirmed the cause of this catastophe, again showing this was not something organic..... so survey says.... EPIDURAL!

Now how many women would choose an epidural if they knew it could cause cardiac arrest!
 News flash...... bad outcomes happen more often than you think. Don't take my clearly biased word on this, check it out for yourself..... then ask you OB about it and see what you ae told..... ; )
Atricle on risks of epidurals

I am dismayed that these articles make it appear that both were saved and clearly underscore that they died at in a HOSPITAL after a PROCEDURE. Thoughts from my followers??.......