Thursday, March 19, 2009

Trust Birth

My dear friend had her 3rd baby Tues night and I had the honor of being her Doula.... WOW, women are AMAZING!!!!!
I was present for her last birth and actually caught that baby as she was having a planned home birth that progressed REALLY fast and the Midwife had not yet arrived. I am a "normal birth" activist, and here I was faced with "practicing what I preach" and having to confront, as a RN, any last demons/doubts that may have existed inside regarding this truly normal and blessed event. I thank her inside everyday for purging any last doubts from my body that day. ( There is an article in fact in this months Lamaze JPE entitled "My Birth Muse" that is about a very similar event for another Birth Sister! I could have written it!) Mom, Dad, and I did a great job letting baby find her way out and she rewarded us all by eagerly going right to the breast!! The Midwife arrived w/i five mins of her being born. ( Can't tell you how long it actually was, too much adrenaline, seemed like 2 weeks!!)
Her third birth went at a little slower place ( like less than 3 hours!) and she was able to really enjoy herself and had the water birth she had wanted before. Candlelight, music, women being there for her, her husband, and other 2 children, and the Midwife.... same wonderful woman that relieved me of placenta duty last Birth, here for the whole thing this time.
The Place you will Birth and the People you will have present have a HUGE impact on your Birth. Most families don't really think much about this..... until they come to my Lamaze class.
I get many phone inquiries of folks wanting a "crash course" or a "one day only" class stating they "don't have enough time". This makes me sad... not enough time for the MOST important day in your baby's life???? In mom's life??
I don't teach a condensed version, I could fill classes if I did! I refuse to compromise what I so passionately believe is THE beginning for your family.Take it or leave it... that's just me. I prefer to try and educate folks WHY it's important, and most eventually start asking questions, some find out the hard way unfortunately.
Be the change you want to see in the world!!
Until next time......

Monday, March 16, 2009


I have FINALLY embraced a little more technology and started a blog. Imagine that, another place I can get on my soapbox!! Who knew!!

I just returned from a WONDERFUL conference in Eugene, Oregon hosted by Midwifery Today.

I attended 2 years ago and again was not disappointed! It is so inspiring, healing, and nourishing to spend several days with sisters all cut from similar cloth. My brain is full from all the things I learned and my heart is bursting from being filled with the wisdom and caring of so many truly gifted and awesome women.

Many of these women practice in states where only a CNM ( certified nurse midwife) can legally practice. ( And CNM's in these states can not attend twins, breech, or VBAC (vaginal birth after c-section). So.... women in these states can only have a home birth for the above special births ( as most of the MD's or hospitals will not attend these births either) with a licensed or direct entry midwife, and it is illegal. These women, put their heart in their hands anyway, against the law, to help families Birth the way they desire.They practice underground to avoid persecution.

Please tell ME what has happened in our country when we as families have a right to "bare arms", but not to "bear babies"!!! Gun, OK, breech baby with a midwife.... not OK??!!

PS: This is a statue of Lincoln in Boston titled "A race set free". Ladies... we won the right to vote, the right to own property, the right to equal pay..... we lost the right to BIRTH. Choose to be a race set free!!!!!!!